[Mutt] Re: Long subject lines

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Sun Aug 19 13:57:20 UTC 2018

On Sunday 19 August 2018 13:58,
Mihai Lazarescu <mtlagm at gmail.com> put forth the proposition:
> On Sunday, August 19, 2018 at 10:33:35 +0100, David Woodfall wrote:
> > It was kind of an xy problem really.  My vim function that
> > gets called when I edit a message needs fixing for subjects
> > of 1 line.  Or it will drop me in insert mode after the first
> > line, and the second and any subsequent lines are under that.
> >
> > Easy to fix anyway, but this is the first time that it's
> > happened so it was a bit of a surprise.
> BTW, piping the message through "formail -c" would concatenate continued fields in
> the header.
> Mihai

Can I add a pipe to the editor command somehow, or how would I go
about it?


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