Problem with strict_threads

David Woodfall dave at
Thu Jul 5 12:39:01 UTC 2018

On Thursday 5 July 2018 22:20,
Erik Christiansen <dvalin at> put forth the proposition:
> On 05.07.18 12:53, David Woodfall wrote:
> > I've just set up things so that record=^ which works fine, and I
> > copied a bunch of old sent messages to a folder to see the whole
> > thread.  However I see the thread order is broken.
> OK, we have "set sort=threads", as the above implies some threads
> showing.

Yeah, I have sort=threads by default on every folder except =Sent
and =Trash

> > I tried setting strict_threads but it doesn't help.
> That just reduces threading, by disabling pseudo-threading.
> Having $strict_threads and $sort_re unset should compensate for missing
> threading headers, perhaps too much, if a subject recurs in later
> threads.
> > EG I have a thread with a friend (he uses the email app in Win10 and
> > the messages have IDs) and checked all his Message-ID and
> > all my In-Reply-To and they look like they should match properly.
> > Each message contains the correct ID and Reference AFAICS.
> >
> > Any ideas what to try to solve this?
> What happens to the headers when you use & to join a tagged mail to a
> thread? Presumably the thread display is now OK, and the change in the
> headers will show whether it's In-Reply-To or a Reference that was
> missing. (Whenever I've done that, mutt has added an In-Reply-To, IIRC.)

I added a couple of binds to toggle on/off In-Reply-To and Message-ID.  

I've noticed now that my replies in that thread don't have a
In-Reply-To for some reason. When I tag one and attach it with & as
you said it joins fine and adds that.

Why wouldn't mutt add that? It works fine eg in lists.


> Erik


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