Bottom posting v top posting

Martin Trautmann traut at
Thu May 17 08:48:23 UTC 2018

Am 17. Mai 2018 10:06:04 MESZ schrieb Cameron Simpson <cs at>:
>On 17May2018 08:56, Martin Trautmann <traut at> wrote:
>>Am 17. Mai 2018 02:01:42 MESZ schrieb Akkana Peck
><akkana at>:
>>>tech-lists writes:
>>> You'd really prefer to make
>>>several separate related replies one right after the other on the
>>>same topic, rather than one reply with all your comments?
>>Absolutely yes!
>>Anything else will destroy proper threading.
>I would generally agree, but sometimes there are 2 or 3 leaf messages
>in a 
>discussion on the same point, and if you reply all 2 or 3 with one
>message you 
>can (a) post just once instead of further splaying the tree and (b get
>a few 
>closely related or even identical remark togther for comparison and

If they are on the same thing, then why merge them together? Just do reply on only one of them. 

I would not look for an answer to my reply within the answer to someone else. 

>So it is not insane. And most threading clients will associate the
>reply with 
>at least one of the sources, and threading can continue.

I'll have to check this discussion with proper threading at home. Here on the phone it appears to bei severely broken by  now.

- Martin
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