Bottom posting v top posting

Ben Oliver ben at
Sun May 13 16:49:54 UTC 2018

On 18-05-13 09:52:23, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
>Posting to this list yesterday and a recent incident with my partner,
>prompts me to raise the issue of bottom posting. For a long time, mutters
>have fought battles and wars to get everybody to bottom post. It makes a lot
>of sense, but we have lost every battle and every war. I now only bottom
>post to emails on this list. I also never ever see bottom posting in all the
>hundreds of emails I get every week, other than posts to the mutt 

I am on lists for almost every bit of software I use and the standard is 
definitely to bottom post.

One of my pet peeves however is people who reply to emails with just 
'bottom post please' without providing any actual help.

That said it is the only way to go and I just do it everywhere 
regardless of what the other person is doing.

The only exception is on those support emails where it says 'please post 
your reply above this line'

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