Bottom posting v top posting

Ian Zimmerman itz at
Sun May 13 03:23:45 UTC 2018

On 2018-05-13 09:52, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:

> Posting to this list yesterday and a recent incident with my partner,
> prompts me to raise the issue of bottom posting. For a long time,
> mutters have fought battles and wars to get everybody to bottom
> post. It makes a lot of sense, but we have lost every battle and every
> war. I now only bottom post to emails on this list. I also never ever
> see bottom posting in all the hundreds of emails I get every week,
> other than posts to the mutt lists.

I am on some 30+ lists, and I'd estimate bottom posting is the norm on
25.  It is true that gmail users are a small minority on all of them.

I also bottom post with some of my best friends who _are_ gmail users,
and they don't object.  But I think they use computers for email, not

To sum up, the vision you have of almost everybody using phones may be
the future, but is not yet the present, and I resist accelerating the

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