A mutt mailcap problem

Brian Salter-Duke brian.james.duke at gmail.com
Sat May 12 01:15:26 UTC 2018

I have a recent problem that has arisen in viewing html attachments

My .mailcap file has the following line:-

text/html; /home/brian/bin/see_html %s

see_html should give me this menu:-

echo "Menu for possible applications."
echo "      1   Use lynx"
echo "      2   Use w3m"
echo "      3   Use Firefox"
echo "      4   Use Google Chrome"
echo "      0   Exit"
echo -n "Type in the number of the application you want: "
read viewer

I select the attachments with 'v', move the cursor down to the quoted-printable
text/html line and hit enter. Now using Mutt 1.8.0 that menu does not come up.
It just uses cat to display the html. Can anyone tell me what I need to change?

If I use NeoMutt 20170609 (1.8.3), then the menu does comes up, but there is
now another problem. I really now only use 3 and 4 which are:-

echo "Using Firefox for $1"
mutt_bgrun firefox $1
echo "Using google-chrome for $1"
mutt_bgrun google-chrome $1
#mutt_bgrun google-chrome -enable-plugins $1

Both of these used to work in straight mutt (I had not used neomutt before). I
select the attachments, move the cursor down to the quoted-printable text/html
line and hit enter. Now if I select "3" it displays the html correctly in
firefox. If I select "4" it used to do the same in Google Chrome in straight
mutt but now it just displays the raw html in the browser. I have no idea what
I changed that leads to this change in behaviour.

mutt_bgrun starts with:- 
# @(#) mutt_bgrun $Revision: 1.4 $

#   mutt_bgrun - run an attachment viewer from mutt in the background
#   Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Gary A. Johnson

so it is pretty old. I think I have been using it since at least 2007.

Can anyone give me a clue to what might be wrong? 

I would prefer to use straight mutt with Google Chrome and not neomutt with

Regards, Brian.

"A computer without Windows is like a chocolate cake without mustard."
                                                -- Unknown
Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) Email: brian(DOTjames(DOTduke(AT)gmail(DOT)com

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