Mail-Followup-To (was Re: breaking long header lines into 2 (or more) lines)

Matthias Apitz guru at
Thu Apr 26 04:38:54 UTC 2018

El día Wednesday, April 25, 2018 a las 08:23:37PM -0400, Patrick Shanahan escribió:

> you might want to reconsider.  you said *you* didn't make the setting,
> that "mutt" was to blame.  there really is no "blame".  one must make the
> settings to do what they wish and you didn't bother and now try to divert
> the responsibility.

Wrong. There a good and bad defaults. And the default for follow_up
policy is just bad because it does, as you see in my case, things that
the user newer wanted and not even was aware of.

> make the correct settings and you will get what you wish.
> btw, it is not corrected yet.

I know. But I have not had time to think what exactly I will change.

Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂  📱 +49-176-38902045
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