Mail-Followup-To (was Re: breaking long header lines into 2 (or more) lines)

Matthias Apitz guru at
Wed Apr 25 21:19:54 UTC 2018

El día miércoles, abril 25, 2018 a las 04:14:52p. m. -0400, Patrick Shanahan escribió:

> > Who adds this? mutt by its own? If so, based on what?
> you do, don't you have man pages for mutt and muttrc?  mutt doesn't do
> anything except what *you* tell it to.

no, mutt does it by its own because the default of 'followup_to' is yes; IMHO it
should be changed to 'no'.


Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, +49-176-38902045
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