Sidebar closes after save and delete

David Woodfall dave at
Tue Mar 20 15:56:46 UTC 2018

On (20/03/18 07:46), Kevin J. McCarthy <kevin at> put forth the proposition:
>On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 10:38:49AM +0000, David Woodfall wrote:
>> I've noticed since I've been using the sidebar that it closes when
>> deleting or saving a message in index and pager.
>> I managed to fix the delete problem by changing the macro to:
>> s=Trash<enter>":set sidebar_visible<enter>"
>> But this doesn't work with <save-message> for some reason. It looks
>> like something is closing it after my macro has finished.
>Check to see if you've bound something to <sidebar-toggle-visible> that
>is inadvertently triggering.  My guess is something in one of your
>macros is leaving that keybinding in the input buffer.
>Kevin J. McCarthy
>GPG Fingerprint: 8975 A9B3 3AA3 7910 385C  5308 ADEF 7684 8031 6BDA

I commented out all the source lines in my .muttrc for binds,
sidebar, colours and pretty much everything. I haven't looked at the
global rc yet though. I'll check that next.

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