imaps timeout
tonus1 at
Sat Jun 22 13:01:20 UTC 2024
On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 03:24:45PM GMT, BP25 wrote:
>I've used mutt in 2019 to make via imaps a local copy of my parents's
>large inbox. I'd be very grateful if you could clarify something for me.
>Under the assumption that my internet connection was stable and that I
>had to insert the password when requested to initiate the connection (ie
>I didn't store the password in .muttrc or any other file), is there risk
>that such download was interrupted by some ``timeout'' behaviour (of
>mutt, of the server, of the connection etc...) ?
>Since it took some time I looked away during the process so I'd have
>missed an error especially if being displayed for just few seconds. If
>requested to reinsert the password, then I might have missed this too
>(note that such requests for input _would_ timeout indeed).
>No particular email message is extremely large, hence intuitively I'd
>expect that every new email fetched would reset any possible
>timeout. And if not, I'd expect mutt would reconnect automatically
>(without me needing to reinsert the password even if as I said I didn't
>store the password).
>Do you have any idea? Please, let me know.
>Many warm thanks in advance for your expert opinion!
Il me semble que la liste mentionne -fr...
J'imagine donc que c'est une erreur de langage due à l'habitude :)
Le problème du timeout ne me paraît pas investigable sans les fichiers de configuration.
Plusieurs pistes selon moi :
- les logs pour trouver des mentions de timeout
- une comparaison de la taille du fichier/répertoire avec les estimations de volume du provider (sur le webmail ?)
Pour ma part j'utilise une synchro par un logiciel tiers avant de consulter avec mutt...
Bonne journée
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