Upcoming freeze for 2.1 release

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at 8t8.us
Tue May 25 01:40:00 UTC 2021

Hello Mutt Translators,

I've just announced preparations for the 2.1 release on mutt-dev.  This 
coming Friday, May 28th, I will freeze development and email a mutt.pot 
file to this mailing list.

My current plan is to perform the release two weeks later, over the June 
11-13th weekend.  So, if possible, please try to have translation 
updates done by then.

During this cycle, I updated Mutt to gettext 0.21.  I also removed all 
the Mutt customizations made to those components.  As part of doing 
this, you may notice the various "OP_*" function help texts were moved 
directly into the OPS file.  Otherwise I hope the change won't affect 
your work.  Please let me know if it does.

Thank you all, and I'll send another email this Friday!

Kevin J. McCarthy
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