yes/no translations

Kevin J. McCarthy kevin at
Mon Oct 26 19:48:13 UTC 2020

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 02:30:34PM -0400, Remco Rijnders wrote:
>Having submitted an updated Dutch translation the other day, I actually used
>mutt in Dutch (I normally default to English) and I noticed that any mutt
>prompts asking for a yes/no question are properly translated, but that I can't
>use them to answer the prompt. So, for example, the prompt will ask ([ja]/nee),
>but I can't press 'j' as mutt still expects to get the english 'y'

What does
   locale yesexpr
   locale noexpr
print on your computer?

They should output a regexp starting with '^'.  For instance, on my 
en_US.UTF-8 system they are:

% locale yesexpr

% locale noexpr

Kevin J. McCarthy
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