Mutt.pot file for 2.0 release

Petr Pisar petr.pisar at
Mon Oct 26 18:43:55 UTC 2020

On Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 02:25:39PM -0400, Remco Rijnders wrote:
> One point of concern or which I am unclear on: *If* we make this change, does
> that mean that all of our current translators will also have to start using
> this?

Yes. An independence is on the stake.

I think in the TP model, POT files flow from from the release tar balls
through TP to translators. And PO files flow from the translators via TP to
the software maintainers (e-mail messages or rsync copies). If the software
maintainer accepted a translation out of band, it would be overrwritten on the
next update.

-- Petr
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