yes/no translations

Remco Rijnders remco at
Mon Oct 26 18:30:34 UTC 2020

Having submitted an updated Dutch translation the other day, I actually used
mutt in Dutch (I normally default to English) and I noticed that any mutt
prompts asking for a yes/no question are properly translated, but that I can't
use them to answer the prompt. So, for example, the prompt will ask ([ja]/nee),
but I can't press 'j' as mutt still expects to get the english 'y' value. Is
this something I can fix in the translation, or does it go deeper than that?
Ideally, I think I'd like it to be able to recognise both the Dutch as well as
English values to such questions.

I also tested this with German, and the same issue appears to be present there.



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