mutt workflow and mail filtering

benfitzg at benfitzg at
Mon May 13 00:18:56 UTC 2019

On Sun, May 12, 2019 at 09:09:09PM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 12May2019 17:38, Cameron Simpson <cs at> wrote:
> > On 11May2019 20:58, benfitzg at <benfitzg at> wrote:
> > > I just want to have something look at the headers of every mail that
> > > comes into my INBOX and then put *some* of those in another Maildir,
> > > all of which reside on the same filesystem under the same subfolder.
> [...]
> > I think if I give my mailfiler some kind of "pass" rule it should be
> > capable of this. Give me a few days. The cleanest thing is probably to
> > support the having default target be the current folder. Then a rule
> > file specifying only the things to move would suffice.
> This is now implemented and somewhat tested. The special target "." means
> "file the message in the current mail folder". So for your scenario you'd
> use a rules file like this:
>  rule to file some messages
>  another rule
>  etc...
> If nothing matches the default leaves the message in the current folder and
> mailfiler knows to not consider it again.
> This does want mailfiler run in its usual daemon mode where it polls the
> maildir regularly because the set of messages "left behind" is kept in
> memory.
> OTOH, running mailfiler once should leave the message alone because it
> doesn't match a rule; it just wastefully consideres it every time your
> invoke it.
> PyPI's been updated with the new release.


thanks, I really don't mean for you to go to any effort on my part, though I
suspect you also have this as a hobby project and like developing it!

I think for my work this project simply has too many dependencies, and I'll
probably end up rolling something of my own using this?

It's interesting stuff, and I've enjoyed the chat, and learned a fair bit also!


Ben Fitzgerald

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