majordomo [Was: Send to a Listing]

Cameron Simpson cs at
Sat Apr 13 22:21:02 UTC 2019

On 12Apr2019 14:20, derek martin <invalid at> wrote:
>And by the way, it may also be possible to do something similar with a
>mailman mailing list, or other similar thing... But I've never managed
>a mailman instance, so I don't know how it works.  I suggested
>majordomo specifically because (assuming my my memory has not failed)
>I'm pretty sure it's very simple to replace the list subscribers by
>just overwriting the file that contains them, which seemed to match up
>pretty well with the method of getting the recipients...

Well, on the matter of updating the list: you do recall that mutt _also_ 
has a "list of addresses in a file" feature, called an alias?

A very short shell script like:

    echo 'alias the_list \'
    sed 's/.*/  &, \\/' < text-file-of-addresses-one-per-line.txt
  ) > mutt-alias.txt
  mutt -F mutt-alias.txt -s 'subject' the_list < message-body.txt

avoids an inifinity of mailing list software installation/integration 

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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