Composing blocks checking for new

Bastian bastian-muttuser at
Mon Oct 29 11:56:22 UTC 2018

Hi all,

I'm sure the one or the other of you also faced the problem that mutt 
enters conditions during which it does not check for new mails anymore.
These are (for me):
  - viewing email (display-message)
  - composing (new/reply) 
Sometimes it happens, that I get distracted and forget mutt in those 
conditions or e.g. composing just takes a long time.

As I rely on mutt to check for new mails and then send a bell to its 
terminal, it happens that I miss new incoming (urgent) mails. The reason 
simply is, that mutt waits/sleeps until the compose editor returns. Or 
perhaps checking for new mails is only active on the index view.

I know, this is my fault. I should be more attentive, but I think I read 
about an integration into a terminal multiplexer (screen or tmux). The 
idea was, that mutt opens a new window with the compose editor. Thus, 
the main mutt instance continues to run in the index-view and will be 
able to check for new mails.

Before starting on it all on my own, I'd like to ask here, if you are 
familiar with this and if there is a configuration I might should have 
a look at. In the end, I'd like to contribute a wiki page which explains 
all that.


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