Composing in utf8 from latin1 terminal

nunojsilva at nunojsilva at
Thu Oct 25 17:14:18 UTC 2018

On 2018-10-25, Derek Martin wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 11:11:52AM -0500, Derek Martin wrote:
>> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:53:43PM +0100, Nuno Silva wrote:
>> > When I use emacsclient, the interface locale is not broken: the terminal
>> > I/O encoding is correctly set from the locale. The only difference (that
>> > I know of) is that Emacs will use utf8 to read/write files. If this
>> > should match the terminal encoding, then it *is* broken.
> Also, depending on exactly why you're doing this multi-locale stuff,
> an even better solution may be to let Mutt's send_charset handle it
> for you.  If set properly, you should be able to compose your messages
> in UTF-8, and as long as you don't use any non-latin1 characters,
> send_charset *should* make sure the message goes out encoded as
> latin1.
> The biggest drawback to this approach is you have to be very careful
> to not use any non-latin1 characters, or else the message will be sent
> as unicode.  Otherwise, you'd need to check every message before you
> send it to make sure Mutt will send it as the desired encoding.  I
> have a vague notion that certain other message transforms, like PGP,
> may also interfere with this, but I'm not 100% sure.

But, if I understood the purpose of send_charset correctly, it only
affects the encoding of the outgoing message. It won't change the
encoding with which mutt reads the temporary file after I close the text
editor, will it?

Nuno Silva

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