Mail checking a bit slow

David Woodfall dave at
Tue Mar 20 08:59:21 UTC 2018

On (20/03/18 04:17), Dave Woodfall <dave at> put forth the proposition:
>I've been experimenting with the sidebar today and it works well.
>One problem though is that the mailboxes new mail count seems a bit
>slow to update (maildir).
>I've tried a few settings and I currently have:
>unset mail_check_recent
>set timeout=1
>set mail_check=1
>set mail_check_stats
>set sidebar_new_mail_only = no
>set sidebar_format = '%B%?F? [%F]?%*  %?N?%N/?%S '
>After I receive new mail it seems to take upwards of 30 secs to
>actually put the new mail count in the sidebar listing.
>Is there a way of speeding this up? I'm not using IMAP or anything,
>just plain maildir.

I should that this is with mailboxes with only 2 or 3 messages.

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