[PATCH 0/5] Cleanups for the GPGME crypto backend

ilf ilf at zeromail.org
Wed Dec 5 08:22:00 UTC 2018

Thanks for this work!

Werner Koch:
> The patches now require GPGME 1.4.0 which was released more than 5 
> years ago.  I don't thing that this should be any problem, in fact for 
> security reason it would even be better to require a very decent 
> version.  But that can be done later.

I agree. When Mutt gets patches now, they should work for current - or 
only slightly - older GPGME versions. The most prominent reason to use 
older releases are OS distros that ship and support releases from the 
time of their freeze. But if they don't upgrade GPGME, then they don't 
update Mutt either.

GPGME 1.8.0 has been released two years ago. I think it's very 
reasonable to have a future Mutt release to require that version.

At least by default. If anyone has a valid use-case maybe a fallback 
option could support 1.6.0, which is over three years old.

What do you think?


If you upload your address book to "the cloud", I don't want to be in it.
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